Scientists Are Determined To Terminate The Zika Virus

In Latin America, pregnant woman have been giving birth to babies with small heads. This has been caused by the Zika virus.  The Zika virus has been called an “explosive pandemic potential” by US scientists. Mosquitoes are spreading the virus.

What is the Zika virus?

It is an awful virus which is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Image: Via Wikimedia Commons

Where did the virus come from?

The virus was first discovered in monkeys in Uganda in 1947 but soon it was discovered in humans in Nigeria in 1954.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms:

  • Mild fever
  • Conjunctivitis (red, sore eyes)
  • Headache
  • Rash

Only 1/5 of those infected show symptoms.

Another side effect of the virus is that when pregnant women get infected by the mosquitoes, their unborn babies develop small heads.

Is there a cure?

There is currently no cure for the virus.

Fortunately, scientists have introduced genetically modified mosquitoes to reduce the mosquito population by 90%.

Video: Via You Tube/BBC 

Women Vote In Saudi Arabia For The First Time!

On the 12th December Saudi Arabians were talking about voting. Why? This was after Salma al-Rashed became the first woman in Saudi Arabia to vote. Now, in Saudi Arabia anyone can vote if they want to!

Image: Via Flickr Creative Commons

However it was different to elections in the UK. Women got their own polling stations and men got their own too. They were segregated because Saudi Arabia is still socially conservative.

Salma was ecstatic when she stepped out of the polling station. She said, “This is a historical moment. I thank God I am living it.”

Before in Saudi Arabia, the government thought women were not good enough to vote but now they have now begun put fair policies such as these into place- making the country a kinder place.

Mohammed, aged 13

Man Who Survived 9/11 Also Survives The Bataclan Shooting In Paris

Man Who Survived 9/11 Also Survives The Bataclan Shooting In Paris

A 36 year old American man has survived two of the biggest terrorist attacks in recent history-9/11 and the Bataclan shooting in Paris.

On the day of 9/11, Matthew (his surname was not disclosed) was on his way to work and was walking right beneath ‘World Trade Center’ when the plane, hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists crashed into the Twin Towers which resulted in the deaths of over 3,000 people and the harm of 6,300.


Image: Via Wikimedia Commons

14 years later Matthew was at the concert hall the Bataclan in Paris attending an Eagles of Death Metal gig when armed extremists stormed the hall opening fire upon the gig attendees (who originally thought the gunfire was just part of the show).

“I instantly recognised the sounds of the gunshots and bolted towards the emergency door” Matthew said in an interview after the events occurred.

During his attempted escape Matthew was shot in the leg and had to slowly crawl to the exit “centimetres at a time” with two bodies piled on top of him, each time the extremists reloaded he had to slowly crawl towards the exit then stop as they began to open fire again.

Due to his bullet wound he collapsed from blood loss shortly after crawling out of the emergency door but luckily he was helped by a man at the scene who had been hit by a stray bullet whilst doing so.

Matthew described the Bataclan attacks to be abundantly worse than the attack on the ‘World Trade Center’ in 2001 “I had to sprint halfway across Manhattan. But what I went through at the Bataclan was 1,000 times worse.”

Luckily Matthew was able to get the medical attention he needed and is currently making a quick recovery.

He has even said that he would like to return to the Bataclan in an act of protest against the extremists.

Jude, aged 14

Middle Eastern Countries Accepting Syrian Refugees With Open Arms

Recently Syria has been in the news quite a lot because of the conflict happening there. Despite this tragic situation, many Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries are welcoming Syrians seeking refuge because of the nation’s civil war.

In total there are 29 countries accepting Syrians by letting them cross the borders of their countries. That’s absolutely fantastic because now those trying to escape from the war are finding safer places to live or at least stay temporarily.

Republican Presidential contender Senator Ted Cruz is apathetic towards letting Syrians stay in neighbouring countries. He added that accepting Syrian refugees is “nothing short of crazy.”


Image: Via Gage Skidmore

Currently, 1 out of 13 Syrians are seeking refuge and that number only seems to be increasing. Even though many countries are accepting refugees there are many countries turning their back on them as well.

Despite this, it’s good to see most countries are accepting Syrian refugees, empathising with their current predicament.

Malala Still Fights On For Female Education Rights Despite Being Shot For Her Beliefs


Image: Via Wikimedia Commons

In 2012, a school girl from Pakistan named Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen. She was speaking up for girls to be educated. She miraculously and heroically survived the attack. She has lived to tell her tale and inspire people around the world to stand up for what they believe in.

Her bravery has raised awareness and shone light on the issue of education for all girls in Pakistan. Hearing about Malala’s struggle made me as a schoolgirl in England today feel privileged to have the right to a free and fair education. Malala’s positivity in the face of adversity not only inspired girls in Pakistan to have a positive outlook, but girls across the world-singlehandedly changing the world with her courage and ambition. Her bravery has inspired young females to work hard and try and achieve their goals. She is a heroine who should be celebrated across the world.

Eve and Olivia, aged 13

Global Peace Index Announces The Most Peaceful Country This Year


Image: Via Wikimedia Commons

Image Description: The United Nations Headquarters in New York

Earlier this year, Iceland was named the most peaceful country on the planet.  In spite of this good news, conflict still plays a huge role in many communities.

Since last year, 51% of countries have become more peaceful but what about the others? Many have pegged the issue to terrorism. In 2014 alone, the biggest conflict (by number of deaths) was the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, but there has been uncertainty in the region for years. In 2013, Syria had the second highest number of refugees after Afghanistan, another state with ongoing conflict. The number of Syrian refugees has drastically increased, especially with 2014 having the highest number of refugees since the Second World War.

Other factors, such as the legacy of European empires have been accused of preparing some modern day nations with violence. The countries that are 3rd, 4th, and 5th of the refugee table are all ex-colonies in Africa that were part of the British, Italian and Belgian Empires during the 19th and 20th century. Similarly, in Central America the countries with three highest homicide rates are: Honduras; El Salvador; and Venezuela which all belonged to Spain.

If you look at the twenty most peaceful countries, you will see less than 500 million residents but in the twenty least peaceful countries, you are looking at a population of 2,000 million. Nearly 14% of the world’s GDP is spent on promoting violence. That is more than double of Africa’s GDP.

Have things got better recently?

No. Every year since 2007, the world has been getting incrementally less peaceful. Even the UK has been ranked poorly on the 2014 Global Peace Index, coming in at a mere 47th out of the 162 nations analysed.

Campbell, aged 13

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